The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post # Week 07 2020

  1. Tip of the week: Get gritty. Break out of your comfort zone. Do the hard, scary shit. Find your passion and persevere.
  2. Quote of the week: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” — Albert Schweitzer
  3. Question of the week: Are you paying attention to black swan events and unknown unknowns? Are you using systems thinking and scenario analysis to more systematically uncover them and assess their impact?

Build the world you love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post # Week 06 2020

1. Tip of the week

MVP is known as Minimum Viable Product.  Why not to think broader trying to reach a minimum viable organization, a minimum viable communication, a minimum viable strategy and/or a minimum viable experiment.

2. Quote of the week

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect”, Mark Twain

3. Question of the week

Is there a risk that one or more of your assumptions are untrue, and so the conclusions you reach could also be false?

Build the world you love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday Post # Week 05 2020

1. Tip of the week

Worst-case scenarios are less likely to happen if you have a good plan how to prevent them from happening. Make a “pre-mortem’’ analysis, where you identify possible pitfalls you may encounter. Imagine in great detail what could go wrong. Depending on the likelihood and seriousness of the problem, you can take proactive steps to prevent it from happening.

2. Quote of the week

“There is always room in your life for thinking bigger, pushing limits, and imagining the unimaginable”, Tony Robbins

3. Question of the week

As a child, you didn’t have choices, but now as an adult, you do. What are some possibilities you can choose now that would serve you?

Build the world you love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday Post #Week 04 2020

1. Tip of the week

At the Age of Acceleration, you must be “super-efficient”, which means “doing the right things in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort”. Details are explained here

2. Quote of the week

“Not accepting the norm is the secret to really big success and changing the world”, Neil Strauss

3. Questions of the week

What is at the center of your company’s flywheel? What are the key drivers or activities that turn your flywheel? How do those drivers reinforce each other to make your flywheel spin faster?


10 Ways to Be More Impactful in 2020

As 2019 comes to an end, I would like to share 10 ways to be more impactful in 2020.

1. Explore and use new technologies

In 2020 you should continue exploring, testing and using emerging technologies and understand how these technologies are going to disrupt your industry, how they can bring new business opportunities and how they can also impact positively your life.

2. Build international relationships

Why not starting next year new international relationships, and particularly with China and the other champions of the emerging world. There are many levers that can be activated like joint innovative projects, joint training or educational programmes. Or working together at solving big problems and tackling big challenges.

3. Embrace an alternative worldview

Take the opportunity of the coming year to favour interdependence rather than hyper-individualism, reciprocity rather than dominance and cooperation rather than hierarchy.

4. Be an agent of the change

It’s time to be a doer and bring new life to your organizations, your community and to the society in general.

5. Work backward from the future

In order to build the world and the future you love, work backward from that future to see concretely what has to be done today!

6. Aim for 10X, not 10%

Be bold and ambitious … You are not going to succeed at the Age of Acceleration with a linear mindset aiming at 10% improvement. Think exponentially and aim at 10X … How can you improve your productivity by ten times, how can you learn ten times faster, how can my organization create an impact 10X more powerful.

7. Be data-driven

Use data, don’t be dominated by data but use it intelligently to track your progresses, to fine tune your goals, to better know your clients and partners.

8. Be an experimentalist

Try new things … new technologies, new countries … new cooperations.

9. Humanize and use chaos

A strong culture is what makes the difference with machines and artificial intelligence.

Don’t be afraid about chaos … because that’s the new norm at the Age of Acceleration.

Build empathic relationships with everybody … humanize everything you do … again that’s the difference with machines.

10. Transform for purpose, not just profit

And finally be purposeful … find your stuff … do things because it’s good for next generations, not just for profit

In conclusion, next year, start being purposeful and cultivate boldness, productivity, learning and empathy.

Abraham Lincoln once said “The best way to predict your future is to create it”

So, in 2020, I encourage you to create the future, your future, OUR future.


Path To Success

This week there was the last Steering Committee of the Fit4Start Programme Edition 8 in Luxembourg where startups can receive up to €150,000 grant and 4 months of valuable, free of charge coaching. Startups in ICT, Heath and Space can apply here.

As a Coach, I had the pleasure to work with amazing entrepreneurs, and not very surprisingly the conclusions are similar to what I already saw in my own entrepreneurial experiences as well as in other mentoring/coaching programmes.

This can be summarized in what I call PATH TO SUCCESS. Let me explain.

P for Perseverant

As an entrepreneur, you must be perseverant to go through the ups and downs of your journey, and that’s the same within the Fit4Start programme where the startup founders must be resilient. It may happen that your initial idea is not so good and the jury and/or the coaches will encourage you to pivot. But don’t give up!

A for Ambitious

Be ambitious while being realistic too, which is always the challenge. Having your grand vision materialized into a Master Plan can be helpful to show clearly what your ambition is and where you want to go.

T for Transparent

Startup founders are expected to be transparent with the various stakeholders, who may be their clients, their investors and in the case of the Fit4Start programme with the jury and the coaches. Lying or hiding important elements is not an option. Soon or later it will be discovered and then be prepared to the consequences!

H for Humble

Stay humble. You may have the breakthrough idea of the century and you can be the new Steve Jobs, but you have always to learn something. So be a sponge and take everything you can from the advices of your advisors, coaches, mentors. Keep learning and growing.

T for Track

In your way to succeed, track everything you can. Become a data-driven leader. Know your key metrics and your economic engine, and track these figures quite maniacally.

O for Overachieve

Set up realistic goals and put all your efforts to overachieve them. If you plan to develop your MPV in 3 months, do it in 2 months. If you plan to be break-even in 2 years, do it in 18 months. When you deliver to customers, always give them more than what they were expecting. As a participant into Fit4Start, deliver at the Steering Committees more than what the jury was hoping. Keeping this habit of overachievement will put you in a virtuous circle of continuous improvement.

S for Sales

How to succeed as a business … simple … Sell … Sell … Sell! So be obsessed with sales. This must become soon or later your first source of funding. During the Fit4Start programme, learn how to your sales cycle works and build your sales funnel so you can track it and focus on it every day.

U for Unique

What makes unique your value proposition. What are your USP – Unique Selling Points. What is your secret sauce. In our today world where almost everything exists, having key differentiators either in terms of technology or business model or even execution is fundamentally key to succeed.

C for Customers

Know your customers. Who is the end user? Who can influence the decision process? Who makes the final decision? How do you establish and maintain excellent relationships with your clients? These are key questions you need to master and the only way is to talk to your market. So go out of your computer and speaks with the market stakeholders.

C for Check

Check every single hypothesis you make. Avoid any confirmation bias. It’s very common for entrepreneurs to believe for true some initial assumptions while this was never tested/checked. “Clients will buy at this price, for sure, they have such a pain with the current solution.” Ok, but how are you sure of that? Did you ask them if they would be willing to buy your product/service and at that price point?

E for Expansion

How can you expand the business. After delivering into your beachhead market, what are the next adjacent markets where you can deliver your marvelous product/service. Also think about the best distribution strategy to expand fast and cost-efficiently.

S for Scalability

Being a successful startup is one thing, but how can you become a successful scale-up. You need to hire people, you need rock solid management and probably you need external funding. Again, refer to your master plan and start from there to have an ambitious and realistic plan to scale fast, because new comers can arrive and disrupt your disruptive solution!

S for Sustainable

Another obsession you must have is to be sustainable and have enough cash. Always have at least 6 months (if not 12 months) of cash ahead. Too much cash? That’s fine because you never know what can happen, and also you may use that cash for some acquisition or other expansion plans faster than initially planned.

I hope that PATH TO SUCCESS is a quick and easy way to remember you what is important in your entrepreneurial journey and please feel free to leave comments about it.

Build the World You Love!



Are You an Exponential Leader?

At the Age of Acceleration, leadership has also to adapt to the realities we are living: the accelerated pace of technological change, the market globalization combined with the new geopolitical forces and the necessity to preserve planet Earth against climate changes.

Since everything is accelerating so fast, and exponentially, it is natural to think at some form of exponential leadership which would be the response to the modern era. I found an interesting book Exponential Leadership from Doug Johnston, where he proposes the following mathematical formula for Exponential Leadership:

R = (A x I)^B


R = Impactful Results

A = Focused Actions

I = Interrelationships

B = Beliefs

This means that in order to get impactful results, as an exponential leader, you must multiply your focused actions through interrelationships, and you can leverage them exponentially thanks to your beliefs.

Clearly beliefs can have an exponential impact on what we do (actions) and our connectedness (interrelationships). Conversely, a negative set of beliefs will undermine any action we take and any connections we try to build.

So, in the context of the Age of Acceleration, what does this mean? You can make focused actions by using exponential technologies (AR/VR, AI, robotics, blockchain, genomics, …) to help your organization to get better/more agile with your current business model (buying you more time in an industry facing disruption), and at the same time creating your future. You can build strong interrelationships by empowering different departments across your organization to work on those focused actions. And you will get exponential results by leveraging all this thanks to your set of beliefs. Why does your organization exist? Can you define clearly the problem space and how will your organization solve it? Can you imagine the transformation?

Actually, that approach is exactly what we want to achieve with the ExO framework. The Exponential Transformation Book written by Francisco Palao, Michelle Lapierre, Salim Ismail and an awesome community of 200+ transformation practitioners around the world (NB: I had the privilege to be one of them) proposes a very clear recipe to take advantage of the Abundance to grow faster.

An Exponential Organization (ExO) is one whose impact (or output) is disproportionately large, at least 10x larger, compared to its peers because of the use of new organization techniques that leverage accelerating technologies.

Your organization’s success comes from the ability to unlock the abundance delivered by emerging technologies, and readily adapt to your rapidly changing business environment.

Beware the organizational immune system! It will rally to attack your efforts to transform.

The flagship programme is the ExO Sprint by which your organization can bridge a 2-year transition in just 10 weeks through an intensive coaching where focused actions are generated to build core initiatives that will help your organization to face disruption and edge initiatives (that can be seen as spin-off ventures) that will create the future of your organization. Coaches certified within the OpenExO ecosystem will guide you along the sprint process to unlock your mindset to abundance and exponential thinking. Since teams from different departments are formed, this generates that multiplication effect of Interrelationships. The set of Beliefs can be summarized within your MTP – Massive Transformative Purpose that unites and inspire actions.

There may be different ways to face and benefit from the accelerated pace of technological change, the market globalization and the environmental changes, but the ExO framework provides a clear validated one to get your organization future-proof, as well as to be an Exponential Leader. Embrace the movement now!
