The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week17 2020

1. Tip of the week

The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin: Start by laying a solid foundation, then apply the internalized principles to increasingly complex scenarios. In making smaller circles take a single technique or idea and practice it until you feel its essence. Then gradually condense the learning while maintaining power, until you are left with an extremely potent and nearly invisible arsenal. Again focus on a select group of techniques and internalize them until the mind perceives them in tremendous detail. Finally use your cultivation of the last two principles to control your intention and do this by zooming in on very small details to which others are completely oblivious.

2. Quote of the week

‘Growth comes at the point of resistance. We learn by pushing ourselves and finding what really lies at the outer reaches of our abilities.’ – Josh Waitzkin

3. Question of the week

How much consistent are you in learning new skills and competencies?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 16 2020

1. Tip of the week

The first and most important thing you can do is forgive yourself for any imperfections. Don’t listen to your limiting beliefs and work on your plan.

2. Quote of the week

 “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” — Albert Einstein

3. Question of the week

Do you take full responsibility whatever happens?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 15 2020

1. Tip of the week

A great leader is also a great teacher. Take every opportunity to teach those around you.

2. Quote of the week

“Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” –General George S. Patton.

3. Question of the week

Are you pushing the standards in a way that encourages and enables the team to give the best?

Happy Easter and Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 14 2020

1. Tip of the week

We are facing a VUCA moment, i.e. Volatile – Uncertain – Complex – Ambiguous. It can also be an opportunity to see this moment as one for more Vision – Understanding – Clarity – Agility.  Think about it!

2. Quote of the week

“If you can’t, you must. If you must, you can.” — Tony Robbins

3. Questions of the week

Can you repurpose your business to face the crisis? Which tools and competencies can you leverage? Can you redeploy your resources for something else?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 13 2020

1. Tip of the week

What separates successful people from many others is that they work on their dreams.

2. Quote of the week

“Success Recipe: 2 cups faith, 2 cups love, 1 cup hard work, 1 cup persistence, 1 tbsp vision and a dash of swagger.” — Jim Rohn

3. Question of the week

Do you keep saying ‘I will think about it later. Meanwhile, let me do this first…’? Be careful then, because you put yourself in danger of procrastination.

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week12 2020

1. Tip of the week

With the corona crisis, we are entering an economic winter (as popularized by Jim Rohn). Winters can be very challenging. You will feel frustrated because you will not be able to do things that you’re used to. It is also easy to get depressed during winters because the environment is gloomy. Always remember that winters are inevitable, when it comes, learn everything that you can so you can come out of it stronger and wiser. As long as you have the skills to get past it, you win.

2. Quote of the week

“Your past does not equal your future.”– Tony Robbins

3. Questions of the week

What’s my Burn Rate and Runway? How to change my business model to adapt to the crisis? How to fund my company in this new context?

PS: I provide online mentoring sessions for business owners who are struggling to find answers to those questions. Feel free to PM me.

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week11 2020

The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post:


1. Tip of the week

Coronavirus is the Black Swan of 2020. Such events are extreme, consequential events that may end in things like financial ruin, but which have significantly higher probabilities than one might initially expect. Yet, remember that many of the most iconic companies were forged and shaped during difficult times. 

2. Quote of the week

“It’s not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us.” Stephen Covey

3. Question of the week

Post-corona, what will you change in your organization to make it anti-fragile and resistant to future black swan events?

Build the World you love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week10 2020

1. Tip of the week

Don’t just create a vision, sell that vision, execute it, and continually monitor the company’s progress toward the vision.

2. Quote of the week

 “If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarves, but if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants.” –David Oglivy

3. Question of the week

What’s the number-one problem with your organization? 

Build the World you love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week09 2020

1. Tip of the week

The viability of a business can be shown on a one-page profit and loss projection, which shows you immediately what you have to do to turn a profit. Focus on the key points and financials that demonstrate your business concept is viable and cut the rest of the verbiage.

2. Quote of the week

“My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long university education that I never had — every day I’m learning something new.” — Richard Branson

3. Question of the week

Are you enough prepared to see the inflection point in your market when it will occur? Because, then, it shall be the moment to mobilize the troops, bring focus, and bear down hard on leading the organization for the post-inflection world.

Build the world you love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 08 2020

1. Tip of the week

The 95:5 rule—Most moderately successful businesses are good at about 95 percent of what they do. It’s the remaining 5 percent that can determine whether the business excels or not.

2. Quote of the week

‘Just for a while, be open to the possibility that there is nothing wrong with you.’ Cheri Huber

3. Question of the week

When building the future, are you considering using innovation and creativity for the well-being of our people and planet first?

Build the world you love!
