The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 27 2020

The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post:

1. Tip of the week

Never tell a customer no. Understand the difference between being unable to do something for a customer and choosing not to do something. If you can’t say yes, offer alternatives.

2. Quote of the week

“One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears—by listening to them. “— Dean Rusk

3. Questions of the week

Don’t you overestimate your ability to sell your product or service? How can you overcome every objection to get the sale?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 26 2020

The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post:

1. Tip of the week

The best time to raise money is when you don’t need to. What is really important is to be sure any potential investor is fully aligned with your strategy and vision.

2. Quote of the week

“Never think you need to apologize for asking someone to give to a worthy objective, any more than as though you were giving him an opportunity to participate in high-grade investment. The duty of giving is as much his as the duty of asking yours. Whether or not he should give to that particular enterprise, and if so, how much, it is for him alone to decide.”

-John D. Rockefeller

3. Question of the week

Regarding valuation, what do you think is better: to have a small share of a big company or a big share of a small company?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 25 2020

1. Tip of the week

Write the top 5 ideas you have to solve big problems and generate a real impact for the society. Now focus on the one idea which can be materialized in a business opportunity and which can be executed in a remarkable venture.

2. Quote of the week

“It’s not about ideas, it’s about making ideas happen”, Scott Belsky

3. Question of the week

What is the real challenge today to materialize your business idea?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 24 2020

The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post:

1. Tip of the week

When you pitch, keep in mind that your audience wants to hear stories that illuminate a world of greater possibilities.

2. Quote of the week

“Good stories always beat good spreadsheets”, Chris Sacca

3. Question of the week

The last time you pitched, did you paint a bold picture of a better future in such a way that your audience also desires that future?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 23 2020

1. Tip of the week

Personal discipline is a muscle. The more you exercise it, the bigger it becomes.

2. Quote of the week

“I hated every minute of training. But I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’” —Muhammad Ali

3. Question of the week

Which change can you make today to become more disciplined in the pursuit of your purpose?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 22 2020

1. Tip of the week

From James Clear’s newsletter, the author of “Atomic Habits”: How to see opportunities others miss:

1) Study a totally different field, then return to the original problem. Apply insights from other domains.

2) Invert the problem. Try to achieve the opposite.

3) Talk to hyper-creative people. Their thinking will rub off.

2. Quote of the week

“The entrepreneur is essentially a visualizer and actualizer. He can visualize something, and when he visualizes it he sees exactly how to make it happen.” — Robert L. Schwartz 

3. Question of the week

How can you materialize more ideas and which concrete steps can you make?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 21 2020

1. Tip of the week

As a superpreneur, keep pushing to set a high bar, in a relentless pursuit of the high standard of achievement the world deserves.

2. Quote of the week

‘’Don’t let anyone tell you that you cannot change the world.’’  ~Ray Kurzweil

3. Question of the week

How often are you so wrapped up in achieving some goals that you do it at the expense of a larger purpose?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 20 2020

1. Tip of the week

Give your team the support they need to reach their full potential. Clarify and give meaning to the team’s tasks. Bound the team as one performing group. Establish norms of conduct. Act as a coach.

2. Quote of the week

“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.” — John Maxwell

3. Question of the week

How can you be better at driving strategies that require people to do things differently?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 19 2020

1. Tip of the week

If you say you’ll do something, do it. If you say you won’t, don’t.

2. Quote of the week

“To achieve a goal you have never achieved before, you must start doing things you have never done before.” – Jim Stuart

3. Question of the week

Do you do the right thing even when it costs you something?

Build the World You Love!


The Superpreneur Blueprint Monday post #Week 18 2020

1. Tip of the week

Good problem solving is a process where you give priority to the analyses that contribute greatly to the answer. Then you must be able to synthesize the results of your analysis and tell a convincing story to enable action.

2. Quote of the week

“Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions.” – Tony Robbins 

3. Questions of the week

How are you facing difficult problems part of complex systems or having multiple variables? What about using a more systemic approach to produce innovative solutions?

Build the World You Love!
