Be Bold

Another element is paramount to become a superpreneur.  You must be bold!  This is the subject of the amazing book [amazon_textlink asin=’1476709580′ text=’Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World’ template=’ProductLink’ store=’superpreneur3-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’efe487ce-213e-11e7-b318-ebaed2c8179f’] by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler.

What does this mean? As Marc Andreessen, the famous venture capitalist, say

‘Smart people should make things’.

Superpreneurs are makers.  While the traditional entrepreneur happens to be exhausted (and some get to the point of burnout), the superpreneur can’t wait to start his tasks and achieve extraordinary results. The entrepreneur climbs the mountain of achievement step by step, while the superpreneur jumps exponentially to the top, surfing in the age of acceleration.

Superpreneurs want also to change the world, not just creating a lifestyle business. As Neil Strauss says

‘Not accepting the norm is the secret to really big success and changing the world’.

The superpreneurs see solutions where problems are.

‘The world’s biggest problems are the world’s biggest business opportunities’

claims Peter H. Diamandis.

Also, as a superpreneur, you should not be shy or to be too much humble, if you are confident to have the knowledge and the will to make it.  Believe in your talent to understand the problems that our world is facing.  Use exponential technologies and their tools to impact the world.  Focus on the user experience to create wealth.  According to Anaïs Nin,

‘Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage’.

Be bold!

Boldness should be trained at school and should be part of education programs.

Let me give you an example from my childhood.  At elementary school, I had a young woman teacher.  She was recently graduated.  One day, while she was teaching history, she said “Today, we will learn about Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte’s biggest victory.”  I got shocked.  “Waterloo, the biggest victory …” … what she is talking about, Waterloo is Napoleon’s biggest defeat!

– “Madam!”, I said while raising my arm

– “Yes, Fabrice”

– “Napoleon was defeated in Waterloo”

– “How do you dare?  I’m the teacher and I know better than you!”

– “Well, Madam, you are the teacher, this is true, but Napoleon was defeated in Waterloo, this is a fact.  Let’s check in the dictionary … what you think?”

– “Oh, sure, if you want to waste our time, take the dictionary …”

Perhaps I had too much boldness, but I took the dictionary, and read about Napoleon

‘The Allies then invaded France and captured Paris in the spring of 1814, forcing Napoleon to abdicate in April. He was exiled to the island of Elba near Rome and the Bourbons were restored to power. However, Napoleon escaped from Elba in February 1815 and took control of France once again. The Allies responded by forming a Seventh Coalition, which defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo in June.’

All the class started to applause, and exclaimed ‘Bravo Fabrice!  Well done! He was right, he was right !!!!’

I’m not particularly proud. Probably I was not only bold but arrogant too.  However I was sure to be right, so why to accept the norm and not contradict the teacher?

Status quo is not for superpreneurs.  They are born to reshape the world, not conform to it. Look at how our world is made of, and ask yourself

‘What If?’

What if it could be faster, smarter, easier, smaller or funner? There’s no reason why you can’t change it. Thanks to bold superpreneurs, our society can evolve, can become better.

Be bold!


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