1. Tip of the week
If you want to become a superpreneur, you must be super-efficient which means doing the right things in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. Hence, first of all, do the right things which are supporting your purpose, say NO to all the rest; then be outstanding in your category; and stay focused; avoiding distractions not wasting time; and finally apply a least effort philosophy by having a lean approach in everything you do.
2. Quote of the week
‘’There can be economy only where there is efficiency.’’ Benjamin Disraeli
3. Questions of the week
What’s the one area where you are inefficient today? How can you recover that situation by being more purposeful, focused and lean?
Build the World You Love!
PS: Join the Superpreneur Blueprint Club at https://mailchi.mp/21ce2f1a28c1/superpreneurblueprintclub
PSS: Want a FREE copy of my new very short e-book “7 Master Arts to Be a Superpreneur”? Just comment below with a “YES” or send me an email on fab@superpreneur.online and I’ll send you a copy. You’ll discover the seven master arts you must develop to be a remarkable entrepreneur and solve the World’s biggest problems.